About us
A small village church which was refurbished in 2001. Due to the removal of pews the church space can be utilised for a number of activities and the church has a number of tables and a working kitchen area. It is in a picturesque setting, situated a short distance from the large village green and has its own car park.
We have our main worship service at 10.45am every Sunday.
We also have ‘Sing a New Song’ modern praise on the 1st Sunday of each month at 6.30pm.
Week Day Activities
Wednesday 7.30pm ‘Request Songs of Praise’s the third Wednesday of each month
You will be made most welcome at any of our services and events, we look forward to seeing you.
Minister: Rev Andy Burrows
Phone: 01603 927010
Email: andrew.burrows@methodist.org.uk
Address: Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, Attleborough
Postcode: NR17 1SL
Website: oldbuckenhammethodist.yolasite.com
Flower Festival
The theme was “Places”