About us
Hethersett Methodist Church welcomes all. Those who seek to worship God, and to serve God in their lives. Those with faith and those with little or no faith. We welcome people of all race, from all nations and cultures. Worship is led by the church’s minister and a team of local preachers and ministers from the circuit. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated once a month. We enjoy a wide range of worship styles, and information about our activities can be found on our website and on our Facebook page.
A warm welcome will await you at our 10.30am service every Sunday. Our worship style varies from formal to informal and includes Café Church for all ages on special Sundays. In addition, Café Church is held in the afternoon on the third Sunday of each month at 4:30pm. Called ‘Village Praise’, it is again for all ages and shared with the Anglican Church in the village. Tea and cake is available from 4pm. Please check with us for the location of the service.
Mid week Activities

Music Practice 9am – 9:30.
Art & Craft Group: This friendly and welcoming group meets on between 10.00 and 12 and only breaks for Easter and Christmas. It caters for anyone with an interest in painting and drawing in all mediums, plus all forms of needlecraft.
Men’s Mardle 1st Wednesday monthly 10am -12 noon.
Time and Space takes place between 11.00 am and 12.00 pm in the Church. It provides an opportunity for people to come into the presence of God in the Church and just forget about themselves. Time and Space enables those attending to be in His presence and be still for God’s attendance on them. It can be quiet or it maybe that one wants to talk with the Minister or with others. All are welcome.
Singing Fellowship Practices and Music and Tea afternoons. (Please contact for specific dates).
Minister: Rev Steve Cullis
Phone: 01953 609106
Email: stephen.cullis@methodist.org.uk
Address: Great Melton Road, Hethersett, Norwich
Postcode: NR9 3AB
Website: www.hethersettmethodist.org.uk

The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for.
In order to allow for the widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:
- Wheelchair accessible access
- Accessible toilet
- Hearing aid loop
- Large print books
- Main hymnbook in Braille

Lent and Easter events
Shrove Tuesday 4th March 6.00pm: Pancakes and Praise led by Rev Steve Cullis
Good Friday 18th April 09.45am: Walk of Witness from St Remigius with a service at the Methodist Church at 10.30