Knitted Bible Exhibition
This exhibition will take place from Monday 23rd June to Saturday 19 July.
About us
City centre church with a wide age range membership of over 140. Warm atmosphere with a friendly welcome for newcomers and visitors. Strong musical tradition, catering for both “ancient and modern” tastes.
A warm welcome will await you at our 10.30am service every Sunday, offering a blend of traditional and contemporary worship.
We welcome children and young people of all ages.
For children under 3, a crèche is available during Sunday Morning Worship.
Our Evening Services are held in the Upper Room starting at 6.30pm and are more informal in character, using images and a wider variety of music.
Week day activities
Monday 1.30pm Mary Chapman Club (Mainly for people with Mental Health issues) 7.30pm Badminton
Tuesday Friendship Group 10.00 to 15.00
Wednesday alternate weeks 10.30am to 12.30pm Come & See, Craft & Natter 1.45pm to 3.00pm Bible Study
Thursday 1.00pm Prayers for Healing & House Group monthly in the evening. Cameo, monthly 7.30 pm: a variety of talks, chat and light refreshments for all ages
Friday 2.00pm Senior Table Tennis 7.30pm Choir Rehearsal – does not the place every week – check for dates.
Minister: Rev Matthew Olanrewaju
Phone: 01603 504722
Email: revmuyiwa@yahoo.co.uk
Address: Chapel Field Road, Norwich
Postcode: NR2 1SD
Website www.cfrmethodist.org

Lent and Easter events
Ash Wednesday 5th March 7.00pm: Service led by Rev Matthew Olanrewaju
Maundy Thursday 17th April 7.00pm: Holy Communion led by Rev Matthew Olanrewaju
Good Friday 18th April 10.30am: Service led by Rev Matthew Olanrewaju
Easter Sunday 20th April 08.30am: Holy Communion led by Rev Matthew Olanrewaju